Discover Your Potential

Explore Your Strengths
Learn About Yourself
Develop Your Vision

Coach, Coach Thyself

Evoking awareness in others starts with evoking awareness in yourself. At Trio Coaching Academy, we create a space where you can learn to truly embody the coaching mindset through: 

  • Values exploration
  • Strengths assessments
  • Personal growth goals
  • Mission and vision exploration
  • Emotional intelligence assessments
  • Motivation and drivers

Client Growth Starts with Coach Growth

 Discover who you are to uncover what you can do.

 Invest in Your Personal Wellness

Being present and supporting clients starts with supporting yourself and your own wellness.

Develop Your Unique Coaching Style

Your coaching style is as unique as you and is founded in discovering your personal goals, values, mission, and vision to develop your voice as a coach.

Embody a Coaching Mindset

Tap into your own emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and strengths to truly embody the coaching mindset and focus on your client's goals.

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